Ebook Panduan Pembelajaran Android Forensics | LEARNING ANDROID FORENSICS, Buku ini sangat menarik karena pada ebook ini, dibahas dengan menarik disertai dengan contoh praktik.
Deskripsi Singkat Isi Dari Ebook Panduan Pembelajaran Android Forensics | LEARNING ANDROID FORENSICS:
"Many forensic examiners rely on commercial, push-button tools to retrieve and analyze data, even though there is no tool that does either of these jobs perfectly. This book will introduce you to the Android platform and its architecture, and provides a high-level overview of what Android forensics entails. You will see how data is stored on Android devices and how to set up a digital forensic examination environment. Next, you will go through the various physical and logical techniques to extract data from devices to obtain forensic evidence. You will also learn how to reverse-engineer applications and forensically analyze the data with the help of various open source and commercial tools."
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